One Dress, Two Ways

One Dress, Two Ways

I'm just going to say it - this has been a weird fucking month for me. A week at work basically feeling like a zombie, then going to Nebraska for my brother's funeral, and then going straight into a wedding, a week of camping an driving, and then another wedding... I'm doing a lot better than I was a few weeks ago, but I still feel off kilter, like I'm on a boat and I haven't quite found my sea legs yet. 

Anyway, I'm back to work now, and that means not just my day job, but engaging with the things that I love, like photography and fashion. 

Before I set off I'd taken a couple of sets photos that hadn't quite worked for a full post, and in my rather hurried packing I ended up throwing a dress that I'd recently shot in my bag. When Brian and I were driving through Nevada, we stopped for lunch in what ended up being a rather scenic town and decided to grab a few snaps. It ended up kind of working out, I think. They're not radically different looks, but I do think it's fun to see how swapping out the accessories and changing up the styling gives a slightly different feel to this dress and brings out the different colors in the embroidery. 

I would like to try and post a bit more regularly again going forward. I'm sure the transition from the last post to this one feels a bit jarring; it's kind of jarring for me too, honestly. On the other hand, there really isn't anything that I could be doing that wouldn't feel a little bit weird, though, if you know what I mean. I guess you just keep moving forward as best you can.