Play All Day

Play All Day

I kept trying to come up with something clever to say about this outfit, but to be honest, I'm kind of at a loss. I'm not in love with this look in quite the same way that I loved last week's, but it's pretty good! It's not the sort of thing that I usually feel comfortable wearing, since I'm not super confident when it come to my legs, but I'm pretty happy with these shots. 

I've had this 1950s playsuit for a little while now, but this weekend seemed like a good time to bust it out. It was in the 90s and humid, so some lightweight cotton was just what the doctor ordered.

Unfortunately I've been dealing with chronic hives (which is about as fun as it sounds) for the past few month, and both heat and tight clothing seem to trigger them. By the time I got home and took it off, I had a band of them around my waist and all over my legs. I'm really hoping it goes away once it cools off for fall, since nothing else really seems to be helping.

Playsuit: Knee Deep Vintage
Shoes: Seychelles
Belt: Amazon