Music Box

Music Box

Well. After a long, chilly spring, it looks like summer is here! And when I say here, I mean 90 degrees and humid, so that’s fun. What ever happened to 75 and sunny? Or did I just imagine that?

Ok, just going to throw my usual Corona caveats in here - I did not wear a mask to or from my walk to this location, but it was a block from my house and very early in the morning on a Sunday, and the only other person that I saw was walking their dog and way more than 6 feet away from me.

I hope it doesn't seem goofy of me to throw something like that in every time I post these days, but I do think that it’s important. There’s a part of me that feels like I should be literally staying at home, and I worry that putting out photos without a mask and not inside my apartment might make people think I’m being lax, but please trust that I am taking this very seriously.


With that said, on to the fashion! A couple of years ago I bought a vintage dress (late 40s/early 50s) with these enormous puffed sleeves and a square neckline, and ever since then I’ve been a little obsessed with those particular details. While this top is modern, it love that it has those same details, and I don’t have to worry about splitting a seam every time I raise my arms. Don’t get me wrong, I love my vintage, but it’s definitely nice to have a few pieces in my closet that I don’t have to be quite so careful with! The skirt is vintage, though (50’s if I had to guess), and a beautiful yellow and white seersucker, which you really can’t beat for summer heat.


I don’t usually talk about makeup here, just because I’m not actually that good at it, but considering that I’ve worn the same lipstick several times in a row now I feel that it deserves a shout out. The lipstick is Anastasia Beverly Hills in Ruby, and after I apply it I outline my lips with Nyx lip liner in Cherry Skies. The liner is just slightly darker, and I think the combo does a great job giving definition and color without being too much. Tip of the day!


I hope everyone out there is staying safe and staying sane!

Top: Reformation
Skirt: Knee Deep Vintage
Shoes: Seychelles